Tree Planting In The Aburra Valley
Tree Planting In The Aburra Valley This dataset falls under the category Environmental Data Other. It contains the following data: Contains details of the trees planted under... -
Sit Zones
Sit Zones This dataset falls under the category Traffic Generating Parameters Workplaces. It contains the following data: File with the zoning (called SIT zones) that delimit... -
Origin Destination Survey 2017 - Household Data
Origin Destination Survey 2017 - Household Data This dataset falls under the category Raw Mobility Data. It contains the following data: Refers to the variables that... -
Origin Destination Survey 2017 - Data By Trips
Origin Destination Survey 2017 - Data By Trips This dataset falls under the category Raw Mobility Data. It contains the following data: It refers to the variables that... -
Origin Destination Survey 2017 - Data By Residents
Origin Destination Survey 2017 - Data By Residents This dataset falls under the category Raw Mobility Data. It contains the following data: This refers to the variables that... -
Indicators Quality Of Life Survey 2009-2013
Indicators Quality Of Life Survey 2009-2013 This dataset falls under the category Planning & Policy Other. It contains the following data: Set with historical 2009-2013... -
Historical Variables Quality Of Life Survey 2009-2013
Historical Variables Quality Of Life Survey 2009-2013 This dataset falls under the category Planning & Policy Other. It contains the following data: Contains the variables... -
Control Of Emissions From Mobile Sources
Control Of Emissions From Mobile Sources This dataset falls under the category Environmental Data Air Quality Data. It contains the following data: Record of measurements made...
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