Bus Lanes And Exclusive Bus Lanes
Bus Lanes And Exclusive Bus Lanes This dataset falls under the category Public Transport Transport Network Geometries (Geodata). It contains the following data: Lanes, Exclusive... -
Bike Lanes
Bike Lanes This dataset falls under the category Planning & Policy Policy. It contains the following data: Municipal cycling network made up of road interventions dedicated... -
Bicycle And Paracycle
Bicycle And Paracycle This dataset falls under the category Individual Transport Street Network Geometries (Geodata). It contains the following data: Bicycle lanes network This... -
Air Quality Map
Air Quality Map This dataset falls under the category Environmental Data Air Quality Data. It contains the following data: Air quality refers to the station with the highest... -
Administrative Limits
Administrative Limits This dataset falls under the category Planning & Policy Policy. It contains the following data: Division of Sao Paulo by district, sub-prefectures and... -
GTFS: Sao Paulo
GTFS: Sao Paulo This dataset falls under the category Public Transport Timetable-bound PT. It contains the following data: SPTrans GTFS . The dataset has been validated through... -
Rede cicloviária municipal constituída pelas intervenções viárias dedicadas à circulação exclusiva ou não de bicicletas. São compostas por ciclovias, ciclofaixas, calçadas...
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