90 datasets found

Tags: Argentina

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  • Emission Reduction Targets By 2050

    Emission Reduction Targets By 2050 This dataset falls under the category Environmental Data Other. It contains the following data: Table of projected emission reduction targets...
  • Educational Establishments

    Educational Establishments This dataset falls under the category Traffic Generating Parameters Workplaces. It contains the following data: List with geographical location of the...
  • Economic Development Plan 2020-2035

    Economic Development Plan 2020-2035 This dataset falls under the category Planning & Policy Planning. It contains the following data: Economic Development Plan that aims to...
  • Driver'S Manual Of The Province Of Buenos Aires

    Driver'S Manual Of The Province Of Buenos Aires This dataset falls under the category Planning & Policy Safety of the transport space. It contains the following data:...
  • Demographic Structure

    Demographic Structure This dataset falls under the category Traffic Generating Parameters Population. It contains the following data: Descriptive statistics on sex and age of...
  • Daily Air Pollution Levels

    Daily Air Pollution Levels This dataset falls under the category Environmental Data Climate Data. It contains the following data: Data on daily air pollution levels This dataset...
  • Cycle Lanes

    Cycle Lanes This dataset falls under the category Individual Transport Street Network Geometries (Geodata). It contains the following data: Geographical reference of the City's...
  • Communes

    Communes This dataset falls under the category Planning & Policy Planning. It contains the following data: Geographic information of the location (perimeter and area) of the...
  • Communal Headquarters

    Communal Headquarters This dataset falls under the category Traffic Generating Parameters Workplaces. It contains the following data: Description of the name and address of the...
  • Chapels

    Chapels This dataset falls under the category Traffic Generating Parameters Workplaces. It contains the following data: List with geographical location of the chapels in the...
  • Census Information By Radio

    Census Information By Radio This dataset falls under the category Traffic Generating Parameters Population. It contains the following data: Census information of the City,...
  • Cab Stops

    Cab Stops This dataset falls under the category Individual Transport Parking. It contains the following data: Geographical location and number of vehicles of the Taxi ranks in...
  • Buses: Stops

    Buses: Stops This dataset falls under the category Public Transport Other. It contains the following data: Geographic reference of bus stops in AMBA. This dataset was scouted on...
  • Bus Stop Boxes

    Bus Stop Boxes This dataset falls under the category Public Transport Other. It contains the following data: Location of demarcated boxes for public transport stops in the City....
  • Buildable Floor Area

    Buildable Floor Area This dataset falls under the category Planning & Policy Planning. It contains the following data: Information on the buildable surfaces in each plot of...
  • Buenos Aires Urban Environmental Plan

    Buenos Aires Urban Environmental Plan This dataset falls under the category Planning & Policy Planning. It contains the following data: Plan for the environmental urban...
  • Buenos Aires, The Queen Of Noise

    Buenos Aires, The Queen Of Noise This dataset falls under the category Environmental Data Noise Data. It contains the following data: Brochure with city noise data This dataset...
  • Bicycle Racks

    Bicycle Racks This dataset falls under the category Individual Transport Other. It contains the following data: List with geographic location of bicycle shops in the City. This...
  • Average Temperature, Average Maximum And Average Minimum (C). City Of Buenos...

    Average Temperature, Average Maximum And Average Minimum (C). City Of Buenos Aires. January 1991 / January 2022 This dataset falls under the category Environmental Data Air...
  • Authorized Passenger Transportation

    Authorized Passenger Transportation This dataset falls under the category Planning & Policy Policy. It contains the following data: It contains the list of authorised school...