Pharmacies This dataset falls under the category Traffic Generating Parameters Workplaces. It contains the following data: Information and geographical location of pharmacies... -
Passengers Travelled
Passengers Travelled This dataset falls under the category Public Transport Other. It contains the following data: This indicator makes it possible to monitor the demand for... -
October 2017 Sensor Data Archive
October 2017 Sensor Data Archive This dataset falls under the category Environmental Data Air Quality Data. It contains the following data: October 2017 Sensor Data Archive This... -
Number Of Persons Issued With Driving Licence In Chennai District : Dhb 2017-18
Number Of Persons Issued With Driving Licence In Chennai District : Dhb 2017-18 This dataset falls under the category Planning & Policy Driving License Ownership Rate. It... -
Number Of Passengers Per Route
Number Of Passengers Per Route This dataset falls under the category Public Transport Other. It contains the following data: The dataset expresses the number of passengers who... -
Nomenclature Of The District Of Barranquilla
Nomenclature Of The District Of Barranquilla This dataset falls under the category Planning & Policy Policy. It contains the following data: Nomenclature of the District of... -
Noise Map
Noise Map This dataset falls under the category Environmental Data Noise Data. It contains the following data: Contains information on estimates of daytime and night-time noise... -
No. Of Buses : Chennai : 2015-2018
No. Of Buses : Chennai : 2015-2018 This dataset falls under the category Public Transport On Demand PT. It contains the following data: Number of buses This dataset was scouted... -
Neighborhoods Of Barranquilla According To Pot
Neighborhoods Of Barranquilla According To Pot This dataset falls under the category Planning & Policy Policy. It contains the following data: Location of Neighborhoods in... -
Motorcycle Parking Lots
Motorcycle Parking Lots This dataset falls under the category Individual Transport Parking. It contains the following data: Information and geographic location of exclusive... -
Monthly Passengers Travelled Metro De Medellin
Monthly Passengers Travelled Metro De Medellin This dataset falls under the category Public Transport Other. It contains the following data: Passengers mobilised monthly Metro... -
Monthly Number Of Vehicles Entering Medellin Terminals
Monthly Number Of Vehicles Entering Medellin Terminals This dataset falls under the category Public Transport Timetable-bound PT. It contains the following data: Monthly entry... -
Mombasa Population 2022
Mombasa Population 2022 This dataset falls under the category Traffic Generating Parameters Population. It contains the following data: Mombasa Population 2022 This dataset was... -
Mibici Public Bicycle Travel Report, September 2019
Mibici Public Bicycle Travel Report, September 2019 This dataset falls under the category Individual Transport Other. It contains the following data: In this report you will... -
Metrobus This dataset falls under the category Public Transport Transport Network Geometries (Geodata). It contains the following data: Stations and route with geographical... -
Metro De Panama S.A. - Train Capacity Expansion
Metro De Panama S.A. - Train Capacity Expansion This dataset falls under the category Public Transport Other. It contains the following data: Report on train expansion process... -
Mechanized Solid Waste Sorting Center
Mechanized Solid Waste Sorting Center This dataset falls under the category Environmental Data Other. It contains the following data: The mechanized sorting centers have... -
Mbouda Population 2023
Mbouda Population 2023 This dataset falls under the category Traffic Generating Parameters Population. It contains the following data: This dataset was scouted on 2022-02-14 as... -
March 2018 Sensor Data Archive
March 2018 Sensor Data Archive This dataset falls under the category Environmental Data Air Quality Data. It contains the following data: Air quality sensor data by... -
Locations Of Ticket Machines Public Transport
Locations Of Ticket Machines Public Transport This dataset falls under the category Public Transport Timetable-bound PT. It contains the following data: The data set contains...
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