A Reduction In Motorcyclist Fatalities Following The Implementation Of A Road Traffic Law In Lagos, Nigeria
This dataset falls under the category Planning & Policy Safety of the transport space.
It contains the following data: The Lagos State Road Traffic Law of 2012 sought to curb reckless okada use and the objective of this study is to determine its impact on motorcyclist fatalities in Nigerias most densely populated state. This is the first study to date that analyzes the potential impact of the Law on motorcyclist fatalities across Lagos State
This dataset was scouted on 02/06/2022 as part of a data sourcing project conducted by TUMI. License information might be outdated: Check original source for current licensing. The data can be accessed using the following URL / API Endpoint: https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/When_policy_meets_the_pedal_A_reduction_in_motorcyclist_fatalities_following_the_implementation_of_a_road_traffic_law_in_Lagos_Nigeria/10042928?file=18100826

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Fuente https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/When_policy_meets_the_pedal_A_reduction_in_motorcyclist_fatalities_following_the_implementation_of_a_road_traffic_law_in_Lagos_Nigeria/10042928?file=18100826
Versión 1.0.0
Autor/autora see data set URL
Email del Autor
Mantenedor Scouted by TUMI project; resp. Frederic Tesfay
Email del Mantenedor feedback@tumidata.org
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[100.0843247, 13.9096752], [100.0843247, 22.5086717], [107.6349989, 22.5086717], [107.6349989, 13.9096752], [100.0843247, 13.9096752]]]}