This dataset falls under the category Individual Transport Traffic Control Systems.
It contains the following data: The capital city of Dhaka has only 7% traffic roads (compared to 25% urban standard) in presence of approximately 8 million computers a day with in 306 sq km area. The senario of Dhaka traffic is unique which poses complex new challanges in terms of automated traffic detection. To solve the problem using advances in AI-based technology and ICT solutions, we are calling for splutions to automatic Dhaka traffic detection problems on optical images. This new AI-Based Dhaka Traffic Detection Challenge aims at accessing the ability of state-of-the-art methods to detect and recognize traffic vehicles. This solution is encountered in mordern cities where multile cultures live and communicate together, where users see various scripts and languages in a way that prevents using much a priori knowledge. Alos, at the same time, the academics and researches from region who are experts in AI or interested in exploring possibilities could be brought to a networking community throug this campaign. Working together on a common problem statement can create the right synergies needed to build AI-based community in South-East Asia. (2020-09-15)
This dataset was scouted on 2022-02-27 as part of a data sourcing project conducted by TUMI. License information might be outdated: Check original source for current licensing. The data can be accessed using the following URL / API Endpoint: https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml;jsessionid=6c5cd96a9018797ddba286e3f404?persistentId=doi%3A10.7910%2FDVN%2FPOREXF&version=&q=&fileTypeGroupFacet=&fileAccess=Public

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Fuente https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml;jsessionid=6c5cd96a9018797ddba286e3f404?persistentId=doi%3A10.7910%2FDVN%2FPOREXF&version=&q=&fileTypeGroupFacet=&fileAccess=Public
Versión 1.0.0
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Mantenedor Scouted by TUMI project; resp. Frederic Tesfay
Email del Mantenedor feedback@tumidata.org
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[89.3012313, 22.8456525], [89.3012313, 24.7886924], [91.2487769, 24.7886924], [91.2487769, 22.8456525], [89.3012313, 22.8456525]]]}