Railway Station Of Vietnam
Railway Station Of Vietnam This dataset falls under the category Public Transport Transport Network Geometries (Geodata). It contains the following data: A geospatial point... -
Progress On Development Of Parks In Various Ulbs (Year-Wise) Under Atal...
Progress On Development Of Parks In Various Ulbs (Year-Wise) Under Atal Mission For Rejuvenation And Urban Transformation(Amrut) This dataset falls under the category Individual... -
Noise Standards And Control Regulations [Pdf]
Noise Standards And Control Regulations [Pdf] This dataset falls under the category Planning & Policy Policy. It contains the following data: Noise regulations This dataset... -
Hanoi-Bus-Map This dataset falls under the category Public Transport On Demand PT. It contains the following data: Bus information This dataset was scouted on 2022-02-10 as part... -
Chennai Bus Route Roads Being Relaid
Chennai Bus Route Roads Being Relaid This dataset falls under the category Public Transport On Demand PT. It contains the following data: Bus routes This dataset was scouted on... -
Worldwide fuel prices
This dataset comprises fuel prices from over 250 countries including gasoline diesel super The data ranges from 1999 up to 2020 -
Velocidad Actual en Via. Bogotá D.C.
Velocidad promedio de un corredor o tramo para un intervalo de tiempo específico, establecida tras la captura de señales a través de sensores. -
Vegetation Map Of Sheet Sa.24
Vegetation Map Of Sheet Sa.24 This dataset falls under the category Environmental Data Other. It contains the following data: Based on the mapping made by the RADAMBRASIL... -
GTFS: Guadalajara, #Mimacro, #Mitren & #Sitren
GTFS: Guadalajara, #Mimacro, #Mitren & #Sitren This dataset falls under the category Public Transport Timetable-bound PT. It contains the following data: In the following... -
GTFS: Guadalajara, Mitransporte Routes
GTFS: Guadalajara, Mitransporte Routes This dataset falls under the category Public Transport Timetable-bound PT. It contains the following data: The GTFS (General Transit Feed... -
Tu TransMi en mapas 2020 - Carriles Preferenciales
Información de los carriles preferenciales por donde transitan los buses del componente zonal y dual del Sistema Integrado de Transporte Público de Bogotá, correspondiente a la... -
GTFS: Accra
GTFS: Trufi Accra This dataset falls under the category Public Transport Timetable-bound PT. It contains the following data: GTFS Data from Trotro app (Trufi Association) The... -
GTFS: Buenos Aires, Trains
This dataset falls under the category Public Transport Timetable-bound PT. It contains the following data: Service schedule and geographic information associated with trains,... -
GTFS: Sao Paulo
GTFS: Sao Paulo This dataset falls under the category Public Transport Timetable-bound PT. It contains the following data: SPTrans GTFS . The dataset has been validated through... -
Socio-Spatial Inequalities In Access To Opportunities In Brazilian Cities, 2019
Socio-Spatial Inequalities In Access To Opportunities In Brazilian Cities, 2019 This dataset falls under the category Other. It contains the following data: This study presents... -
Siniestros Viales Consolidados Bogotá D.C.
Reporte alfanúmerico de los incidentes viales registrados en los informes policiales de accidentes de tránsito ocurridos en Bogotá desde el año 2015. -
Separador. Bogotá D.C
Franja de una vía dispuesta en forma longitudinal y paralela al eje de la misma que separa y canaliza flujos de circulación y en las cuales se quieran establecer jerarquías en... -
Senda de Integridad Bogota D.C.
Encuesta realizada para hallar datos clave y entender las temáticas a tratar a partir de la elección ciudadana para la realización de una nota periodística. -
Registro de Activos de Información de EMB S.A.
El Registro de Activos de Información es el Instrumento de Gestión de la Información que recoge toda la de la información pública que la EMB S.A. genere, obtenga, adquiera,... -
Red Biciusuarios . Bogotá D.C
Conjunto interconectado de segmentos que representa la infraestructura que ha sido adecuada o habilitada para el tránsito de biciusuarios. De acuerdo a la ubicación del elemento...
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