Integrated Route Fares
Integrated Route Fares)
This dataset falls under the category Public Transport – Timetable-bound PT.
It contains the following data: Transport fares, associated with the use of means of transport according to the fare per user profile required during the different stages of the journey.. The data can be accessed using the following URL / API Endpoint:
This dataset was scouted on 2022/01/24 as part of a data sourcing project conducted by TUMI. License information might be outdated: Check original source for current licensing.
Il n'y a encore aucune visualisation créée pour cette ressource
Informations additionnelles
Champ | Valeur |
Dernière modification de la donnée | 5 avril 2023 |
Dernière modification de la métadonnée | 28 avril 2023 |
Créé le | 5 avril 2023 |
Format | url |
Licence | Aucune licence fournie |
Action | resource_create |
Datastore active | False |
Datastore contains all records of source file | False |
Has views | False |
Id | afa4b723-2807-f9de-4d47-ea66f4ab5ccd |
Package id | 90943379-52b9-0823-2e1c-66a865272966 |
Position | 1 |
State | active |