Justice, legal system and public safety

This concept identifies datasets covering such domains as justice, legal system or public safety. Justice includes both the attainment of that which is just and the philosophical discussion of that which is just; here it mainly means the procedural justice as found in the study and application of the law. The contemporary legal systems of the world are generally based on one of four basic systems: civil law, common law, statutory law, religious law or combinations of these. Public safety is the function of governments which ensures the protection of citizens, persons in their territory, organisations and institutions against threats to their well-being – and to the prosperity of their communities. Dataset examples: EU case-law; Information on Member States Law; European Data Protection Supervisor register of processing operations. DCAT-URL: https://op.europa.eu/web/eu-vocabularies/concept/-/resource?uri=http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/data-theme/just&lang=en DCAT-URI: http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/data-theme/just