Favelas In The Municipality Of Sao Paulo
Favelas In The Municipality Of Sao Paulo This dataset falls under the category Planning & Policy Other. It contains the following data: This data set contains the perimeters... -
Fairs And Markets
Fairs And Markets This dataset falls under the category Traffic Generating Parameters Workplaces. It contains the following data: Information on non-travelling fairs, FIABs... -
Emission Reduction Targets For Transport 2050
Emission Reduction Targets For Transport 2050 This dataset falls under the category Environmental Data Other. It contains the following data: Table of projected pollution... -
Emission Reduction Targets By 2050
Emission Reduction Targets By 2050 This dataset falls under the category Environmental Data Other. It contains the following data: Table of projected emission reduction targets... -
Educational Establishments
Educational Establishments This dataset falls under the category Traffic Generating Parameters Workplaces. It contains the following data: List with geographical location of the... -
Ecopoints In The Municipality Of Sao Paulo
Ecopoints In The Municipality Of Sao Paulo This dataset falls under the category Environmental Data Other. It contains the following data: Ecopoints are places for the voluntary... -
Earnings From Bus Trips : Chennai : 2015-2018
Earnings From Bus Trips : Chennai : 2015-2018 This dataset falls under the category Public Transport On Demand PT. It contains the following data: Public transport trips This... -
Districts Of The Municipality Of Sao Paulo
Districts Of The Municipality Of Sao Paulo This dataset falls under the category Planning & Policy Planning. It contains the following data: The districts were created by... -
Directory Of E.S.E. Hospitals Of Antioquia With Coordinates
Directory Of E.S.E. Hospitals Of Antioquia With Coordinates This dataset falls under the category Traffic Generating Parameters Other. It contains the following data: Contains... -
Details Of Road Accidents In Chennai District : Dhb 2017-18
Details Of Road Accidents In Chennai District : Dhb 2017-18 This dataset falls under the category Planning & Policy Safety of the transport space. It contains the following... -
Demographic Structure
Demographic Structure This dataset falls under the category Traffic Generating Parameters Population. It contains the following data: Descriptive statistics on sex and age of... -
Demographic Census (2010)
Demographic Census (2010) This dataset falls under the category Traffic Generating Parameters Workplaces. It contains the following data: The collection of the Brazilian... -
December 2017 Sensor Data Archive
December 2017 Sensor Data Archive This dataset falls under the category Environmental Data Air Quality Data. It contains the following data: Air quality sensor data by... -
Data Schedules Of The Monitoring Of The Quality Of The Ar - Monitorar
Data Schedules Of The Monitoring Of The Quality Of The Ar - Monitorar This dataset falls under the category Environmental Data Air Quality Data. It contains the following data:... -
Cycle Lanes
Cycle Lanes This dataset falls under the category Individual Transport Street Network Geometries (Geodata). It contains the following data: Geographical reference of the City's... -
Curitiba Service Units - Active
Curitiba Service Units - Active This dataset falls under the category Planning & Policy Planning. It contains the following data: Base with public service units, active in... -
Contaminated Areas In The Municipality Of Sao Paulo
Contaminated Areas In The Municipality Of Sao Paulo This dataset falls under the category Environmental Data Other. It contains the following data: This dataset contains the... -
Communes This dataset falls under the category Planning & Policy Planning. It contains the following data: Geographic information of the location (perimeter and area) of the... -
Chennai Metro Rail Limited : Chennai : As On 20-06-2019
Chennai Metro Rail Limited : Chennai : As On 20-06-2019 This dataset falls under the category Public Transport On Demand PT. It contains the following data: Metro This dataset... -
Characterisation And Use Of Bicycles
Characterisation And Use Of Bicycles This dataset falls under the category Other. It contains the following data: This indicator makes it possible to evaluate the growth in the...
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