Favelas In The Municipality Of Sao Paulo
This dataset falls under the category Planning & Policy Other.
It contains the following data: This data set contains the perimeters of the slums registered by SEHAB, containing name, address, year of implementation and estimated number of households, among others. This excludes data referring to the Urbanized Nuclei of the City of Sao Paulo, which contain slums that already have water, sewage, street lighting, drainage and garbage collection infrastructure. For these cases, just consult the link: http://dados.prefeitura.sp.gov.br/dataset/nucleo-urbanizado-da-cidade-de-sao-paulo
This dataset was scouted on 2022-02-10 as part of a data sourcing project conducted by TUMI. License information might be outdated: Check original source for current licensing. The data can be accessed using the following URL / API Endpoint: http://dados.prefeitura.sp.gov.br/dataset/favelas

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Campo Valor
Fonte http://dados.prefeitura.sp.gov.br/dataset/favelas
Versão 1.0.0
Autor/autora see data set URL
E-mail do autor
Mantenedor Scouted by TUMI project; resp. Frederic Tesfay
E-mail do Mantenedor feedback@tumidata.org