Warning And Fines Of Dormant Traffic (Parking Violations) 2020
Warning And Fines Of Dormant Traffic (Parking Violations) 2020 This dataset falls under the category Individual Transport Other. It contains the following data: The data set... -
Warning And Fines Of Dormant Traffic (Park Violations) 2019
Warning And Fines Of Dormant Traffic (Park Violations) 2019 This dataset falls under the category Individual Transport Other. It contains the following data: The data set... -
Warning And Fines Of Dormant Traffic (Park Violations) 2017
Warning And Fines Of Dormant Traffic (Park Violations) 2017 This dataset falls under the category Individual Transport Other. It contains the following data: The data set... -
Warn And Fines Of Dormant Traffic (Parking Violations) 2018
Warn And Fines Of Dormant Traffic (Parking Violations) 2018 This dataset falls under the category Individual Transport Other. It contains the following data: Der Datensatz... -
Taxi Locations
Taxi Locations This dataset falls under the category Individual Transport Other. It contains the following data: The API provides the locations of taxi ranks in the city of... -
Streets Cologne Bonn
Streets Cologne Bonn This dataset falls under the category Individual Transport Street Network Geometries (Geodata). It contains the following data: The dataset contains street... -
Road Traffic Situation Realtime
Road Traffic Situation Realtime This dataset falls under the category Individual Transport Traffic Volume. It contains the following data: The API provides the current traffic... -
Road Directory Residents Parking Areas
Road Directory Residents Parking Areas This dataset falls under the category Individual Transport Parking. It contains the following data: Anyone who is registered in a... -
Project List Citizens' Participation Planning And Projects
Project List Citizens' Participation Planning And Projects This dataset falls under the category Planning & Policy Policy. It contains the following data: The API for the... -
Population In The Federal City Of Bonn On December 31, 2021
Population In The Federal City Of Bonn On December 31, 2021 This dataset falls under the category Traffic Generating Parameters Population. It contains the following data: Key... -
Planned Road Construction Sites For 30 Days And 1 Year With Location In Bonn
Planned Road Construction Sites For 30 Days And 1 Year With Location In Bonn This dataset falls under the category Traffic Generating Parameters Other. It contains the following... -
Passant Frequencies Retail Systems Annual Data
Passant Frequencies Retail Systems Annual Data This dataset falls under the category Individual Transport Traffic Volume. It contains the following data: hystreet.com makes... -
Passant Frequencies Retail Sites Daily Updated
Passant Frequencies Retail Sites Daily Updated This dataset falls under the category Individual Transport Traffic Volume. It contains the following data: hystreet.com provides... -
Parking Garages Locations
Parking Garages Locations This dataset falls under the category Individual Transport Parking. It contains the following data: The dataset provides the locations of the car parks... -
Parking Garages And Parking Spaces Realtime Occupancy
Parking Garages And Parking Spaces Realtime Occupancy This dataset falls under the category Individual Transport Parking. It contains the following data: Parking garage and car... -
Noise Level Streets Night
Noise Level Streets Night This dataset falls under the category Environmental Data Noise Data. It contains the following data: The data set provides the noise level of the roads... -
Noise Level Streets 24 Hours
Noise Level Streets 24 Hours This dataset falls under the category Environmental Data Noise Data. It contains the following data: The data set provides the average noise level... -
Nextbike Rental Bikes Positions Real Time - Bicycle Rental System
Nextbike Rental Bikes Positions Real Time - Bicycle Rental System This dataset falls under the category Public Transport On Demand PT. It contains the following data: The API... -
Netzopoligie City Plan Bonn
Netzopoligie City Plan Bonn This dataset falls under the category Planning & Policy Planning. It contains the following data: The city cartography in the Office of Land... -
Motor Vehicles (Vehicle) Of The City Administration
Motor Vehicles (Vehicle) Of The City Administration This dataset falls under the category Individual Transport Other. It contains the following data: Complete list of all...
Você também pode ter acesso a esses registros usando a API (veja Documentação da API).