Urban Land Cover, Kigali, Rwanda, 2001)
This dataset falls under the category Environmental Data.
It contains the following data: The Atlas of Urban Expansion provides the geographic and quantitative dimensions of urban expansion and its key attributes in cities the world over. The data and images are available for free downloading, for scholars, public officials, planners, those engaged in international development, and concerned citizens. The global empirical evidence presented here is critical for an intelligent discussion of plans and policies to manage urban expansion everywhere. This resource provides both the conceptual framework and, for the first time, the basic empirical data and quantitative dimensions of past, present, and future urban expansion in cities around the world that are necessary for making minimal preparations for the massive urban growth expected in the coming decades.. The data can be accessed using the following URL / API Endpoint: https://searchworks.stanford.edu/view/jt615mh0850
This dataset was scouted on 02/06/2022 as part of a data sourcing project conducted by TUMI. License information might be outdated: Check original source for current licensing.

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Fonte https://searchworks.stanford.edu/view/jt615mh0850
Versão 1.0.0
Autor/autora see data set URL
E-mail do autor
Mantenedor Scouted by TUMI project; resp. Frederic Tesfay
E-mail do Mantenedor feedback@tumidata.org
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